Hey! I can't believe I've had a blog with this site for 2 years and I still haven't managed to figure it out. Your blog was the only one I could actually figure out how to view, so I thought I'd comment, lol. Since this thing is all about honesty, I just wanted to say that I REALLY REALLY like your 'About Me' thing. I feel like it's about me too.
Hey! I can't believe I've had a blog with this site for 2 years and I still haven't managed to figure it out. Your blog was the only one I could actually figure out how to view, so I thought I'd comment, lol.
ReplyDeleteSince this thing is all about honesty, I just wanted to say that I REALLY REALLY like your 'About Me' thing. I feel like it's about me too.
Hi Rebecca I'm commenting on your blogggggggg
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy thanks for commenting. (i also read your blog!!!)
ReplyDeleteBrittany, I'm actually really glad you like it cause i wrote it & i think it sounds pretty :)
so it means alot <3
That's a really nice picture, I love the words! (:
ReplyDeleteBy the way, nice background and I love the quote with your picture, its so... Masqueradish. (:
thanks melissa!!!
ReplyDeleteahaha, i like the word "masqueradish" i love the phantom <333